Keynote Speakers
Prof. Franz X. Kärtner
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY
Hamburg University
Prof. Alex L. Gaeta
Professor of Applied Physics and of Materials Science
University of Columbia, New York
Prof. Michal Lipson
Professor in Electrical Engineering and Professor of Applied Physics
University of Columbia, New York
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Office: Faculty of Exact Sciences, Shenkar Chemistry Building, room 204
Email: lmicenter@tauex.tau.ac.il
Website: LMI Center
Tel: +972-3-6407745
LMI Center
​8:45-9:30 - Gathering at the coffee carts (Lobby of the Porter building)
LMI opening session
9:30-9:40 - Prof. Ady Arie: Presentation of the center
9:40-9:45 - TAU Rector - Prof. Yaron Oz: Greetings
9:45-10:15 - Prof. Ori Cheshnovski: Fifty years of LMI research at TAU: A personal perspective
10:15-11:00 - Prof. Michal Lipson: Next generation silicon photonics
11:00-11:20 - Coffee break
11:15-11:40 - Dr. Yuval Ebenstein: Single-molecule dynamics under confinement
11:40-12:05 - Prof. Natan Shaked: Seeing invisible biological cells: New horizons in cancer diagnosis and in-vitro fertilization
12:10-13:30 - Lunch
13:30-14:15 - Prof. Franz X. Kärtner: How to shrink an accelerator? From the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser to compact X-ray sources
14:15-14:40 - Dr. Ishay Pomerantz: Shedding New Intense Light on Nuclei
14:40-15:05 - Dr. Alon Bahabad: Optical temporal super-resolution through super-oscillations
15:05-15:30 - Dr. Haim Suchowski: Ultrafast hot carrier dynamics in plasmonic systems
​15:30-15:50 - Coffee break
15:50-16:35 - Prof. Alex L. Gaeta: Combs and Computing Based on Optical Parametric Oscillators
16:35-17:00 - Prof. Shimshon Bar-Ad: Shock waves, caustics and analogue gravity with local and non-local photon fluids
17:00-17:25 - Dr. Tal Schwartz: Chemistry in a quantum-optical flask
17:25-17:50 - FLASH POSTER SESSION - Short talks by students presenting posters
17:50-19:30 - Poster session (Beer & Snacks)
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Franz Kärtner
Prof. Michal Lipson Columbia University
Prof. Alex Gaeta Columbia University
Grand opening workshop 26 October 2016
Porter Building
LMI Center Speakers:
Prof. Ady Arie
Prof. Ori Cheshnovsky
Dr. Ishay Pomerantz
Dr. Alon Bahabad
Dr. Haim Suchowski
Prof. Shimshon Bar-Ad
Dr. Tal Schwartz
Dr. Yuval Ebenstein
Prof. Natan Shaked
Sorry. Registration is now closed.